Comments for The Energy Mix The climate news that makes a difference. Wed, 12 Mar 2025 06:18:22 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on ‘There Is No Grey’: Is New Oil Exploration a Crime Against Humanity? by Accelerating down the highway to climate hell | ourgreengenes Wed, 12 Mar 2025 06:18:22 +0000 […] Peter McKillop, journalist, founder and editor of New York-based Climate & Capital Media, finds it difficult to regard as anything less than a crime against humanity the rejection of this goal in favour of deliberate action that increases fossil fuel production. […]

Comment on German Cities’ Progress on Climate-Neutral Heating Could Stall with New Coalition Government by Ken Summers Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:45:09 +0000 What the gas utilities lobbying managed to do in Germany is a lesson for all of us. Its a mistake to see them as just another fossil lobby.

They are nothing like the big fossil majors- absolutely focused and DRIVEN in protecting their niche of delivering SOMETHING in those local pipe networks.. Since even they know the sun is setting on fossil gas… then denying logic is no problem for them in campaigning for the crazy blending of green hydrogen into the methane.

Crazy “economics” as well as heedless denialism that their pipes will not leak the indirect green house gas that hydrogen is acknowledged to be.

In Germany they got the dinosaur coalition partner to hobble the Building Energy Act…. until the CDU could come along to finish the job.

They are just as relentless here in Canada.

Comment on German Cities’ Progress on Climate-Neutral Heating Could Stall with New Coalition Government by Mitchell Beer Thu, 06 Mar 2025 17:20:29 +0000 In reply to Ken Summers.

That’s fixed, Ken, thanks.

Comment on German Cities’ Progress on Climate-Neutral Heating Could Stall with New Coalition Government by Ken Summers Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:39:34 +0000 no article showing. just a link and a title

Comment on Hype for New Pipelines Faces Industry Indifference, Wall of Quebec Opposition by Jennifer Smart Wed, 05 Mar 2025 19:16:56 +0000 In reply to Peggy McGrady.

We are in Countdown 2030. We must stop current projects and not begin any new oil projects. As settlers let us support all First Nations as they seek to defend their lands from oil pipelines.

Comment on Hype for New Pipelines Faces Industry Indifference, Wall of Quebec Opposition by Peggy McGrady Mon, 03 Mar 2025 21:36:04 +0000 I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned the naughty words LINE FIVE! THE GREAT LAKES!
WATER IS A HUMAN RIGHT! ENBRIGDE NEEDS TO RECONSIDER CORPORATE GREED VS HUMAN RIGHTS? CANADA needs to control its own big oil industry from getting it out of the ground to the consumer wherever in the world that is. However, Canada does not need to bow down the US. And TRUMP. Time to become totally independent of the US.
Build the cross Canada pipeline and close all pipelines from Canada to the US.

If line 5 ruptures the US will surely blame the naughty neighbor to the north. Have you read that Line 5 carries Canadian oil and gas to the US to be used in Canada by Canadians? The US press loves to say that. If Line 5 ruptures it will of course be Canada’s fault.

Comment on Hype for New Pipelines Faces Industry Indifference, Wall of Quebec Opposition by Peggy McGrady Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:51:12 +0000 I understand the underlying reasons for rejecting an east west Canadian pipeline. However, when the renewal of a cross Canada pipeline idea first started I thought yes! This is an opportunity to get Line 5 shut down and SAVE the Great Lakes, as well as giving Canada a pipeline inside Canada, owned and controlled by Canada. Sometimes creating and fulfilling a project that may not be as popular or desirable or as lucrative as another, can have a benefit that goes beyond its purpose. I starting hoping perhaps Enbridge would invest in this cross Canada pipeline project and dismiss going forward with the tunnel they want to build around Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinaw, a much more expensive and lengthy project than the east west pipeline proposal across Canada. I have nightmares about the inevitable Line 5 rupture that will release thousands of barrels of gas and oil into the waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron initially. The oil and gas pollution will ultimately continue to spread throughout all five lakes and destroy the entire ecosystem. The drinking water of millions of people will no longer be drinkable. Clean water is a human right. Clean water is more precious than money and saving the Great Lakes is more honorable than the greed driving big oil. Big oil has an opportunity to do the right thing for Canada, the Great Lakes, and mankind.

Comment on First Person: Invest in Local Energy, Not Pipelines by Brian Gifford Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:28:25 +0000 Absolutely agree. To expand on the paragraph about tenants, we need programs specifically aimed at low income households, including tenants. Many provinces have them, including Nova Scotia’s Efficiency NS which has a free HomeWarming program that has insulated over 25,000 homes owned by low income families at no cost and creating considerable savings. They have a Mi’kmaw program and a program for landlords renting to low income households that is not nearly as successful as HomeWarming due to the complications of doing that in a way that gets landlords to sign up while protecting tenants from rent increases – but it’s a start. All these programs receive lots of funding from the federal and provincial governments. Efficiency Canada has advocated for more federal funding for low income programs for years and just in the last couple of years it’s been happening. The federal financing is at risk in the coming federal election, likely to be axed if Poilievre wins. As the article suggests, support for such programs should be promoted vigorously as part of the response to Trump’s aggression.

Comment on DEEP Earth Energy Unveils Next-Gen Geothermal Plant Near Estevan by Suzanne Crawley Wed, 19 Feb 2025 15:18:45 +0000 This is a podcast interview of CEO of Fervo Energy with similar tech in US Explains the challenges and comparisons with natural gas and nuclear power plants.

Comment on DEEP Earth Energy Unveils Next-Gen Geothermal Plant Near Estevan by Elaine M. Hughes Tue, 18 Feb 2025 15:16:27 +0000 QUOTE: “At that price, geothermal would be the cheapest source of dispatchable renewable energy, outperforming hydro and nuclear power and competing with wind and solar.”

COMMENT: Since nuclear power is NOT a “renewable source of energy”, it should hardly be included in a sentence along with true renewable energy sources!

Comment on How Elon Musk Could End Fossil Fuel Subsidies by Boyd Reimer Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:14:11 +0000 Here is a stealth subsidy to one fossil fuel sector Trump appears to be starting, not ending:
Due to the principle of supply and demand, Trump’s policies on increasing the US export of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) will, in effect, benefit only the wealthy American LNG corporations — at the expense of his own US citizens who will pay more domestically for natural gas as a direct result of Trump’s actions.
See link for details:
So, this is, in effect a subsidy to one fossil fuel sector that is done in stealth: Instead of paying for this subsidy with their tax money, US citizens will be paying for this stealth subsidy by paying more domestically for natural gas.

Comment on First Nation Demands Alberta Halt O’Leary’s $70B Data Centre Project by Jody MacPherson Sun, 16 Feb 2025 18:41:32 +0000 In reply to Chris O’Brien.

The Alberta government does indeed act like they live on a different planet. This data centre is a crucial part of their promise to double oil and gas production by increasing demand for gas. This was repeatedly mentioned in the news conference. So, it’s not about diversifying the economy or being on the leading edge of AI, it’s a way of getting that gas out of the ground and using it to bring more royalties into the province’s coffers And make more money for the industry that once employed Smith as a lobbyist.

Comment on Old Pipelines, New Pressure: U.S. Tariffs Revive Talk of Shelved Fossil Fuel Projects by Jody MacPherson Wed, 12 Feb 2025 17:45:04 +0000 In reply to Ken Summers.

And some of these projects are actually owned/financed by US billionaires working with Trump. Or other foreign countries. So, spreading the word about who may be behind the pressure tactics is essential. Let’s not “sell the farm” (to use an old idiom) in our panic over tariffs.

Comment on Old Pipelines, New Pressure: U.S. Tariffs Revive Talk of Shelved Fossil Fuel Projects by Ken Summers Tue, 11 Feb 2025 15:25:45 +0000 So we have politicians who know they are just posturing to some perceived need they see in the shifting political climate- even though they know there is no business case and nothing has changed about that. Correction- we have federal and provincial conservative politicians who see pro fossil fuel industry utility in this posturing. And liberal politicians who parrot the same garbage to protect themselves.

Depressing that shallow understandings in the public lead people to say they now support these phantom pipelines

Comment on New York’s Congestion Pricing Cuts Traffic But Raises Equity Concerns by Mitchell Beer Sat, 08 Feb 2025 03:57:27 +0000 ]]> In reply to Tom.

All the more reason to keep using it, every chance we get. I also hear tell that Elon Musk is furious that people have been calling Teslas “Swasticars” since the inauguration. It really sends him into a rage. So, as someone said online…don’t do that. 😇
